Halawa Correctional Facility, Waiawa Correctional Facility, Kulani Correctional Facility, and the Women's Community Correctional Center are the four state prisons in the state of Hawaii. Criminals who have committed major crimes are housed in these jails.
Hawaii Community Correctional Center, Kauai Community Correctional Center, Maui Community Correctional Center, and Oahu Community Correctional Center are the other four prisons in the state.
Prisons house those awaiting trial as well as those incarcerated for relatively light offenses. Each large island has a single prison. These prisons occasionally house criminals who are being transferred to another facility or serving out their sentences. Offenders who are male and female are housed in jails.
The Corrections Division of the State of Hawaii Department of Public Safety is responsible for monitoring and managing all prisons and jails. There is no inmate finder available on the state of Hawaii's website. The website publishes inmate lists and, occasionally, news articles about inmates that include mugshots.

However, you can search for someone who is detained in the state online via the VINELink system. Additionally, they offer notifications to let victims of convicts know when their attackers are due to be freed.
However, if you need to perform a Hawaii inmate search, you can do so. The following article will help you perform a Hawaii inmate search, with both offline and online methods.
Hawaii Department of Public Safety Inmate Search
Performing an offline Hawaii inmate search typically involves contacting the relevant law enforcement or correctional agency that is responsible for managing inmate records in the state of Hawaii. In Hawaii, this agency is the Department of Public Safety (DPS).
To contact the DPS, you can call their main office at (808) 587-1288. Alternatively, you can visit their website at http://dps.hawaii.gov/ and find the contact information for the specific division that handles inmate records.
When you contact the DPS, you should be prepared to provide as much information as possible about the inmate you are searching for.
This may include their full name, date of birth, and any other identifying information you may have, such as their inmate ID number or their social security number. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for the agency to locate the inmate's record.
Once the agency has located the inmate's record, they may be able to provide you with some basic information about the inmate, such as their current location, their offense history, and their sentence length.

However, it's important to note that there may be limitations to the information that can be provided, particularly if the inmate's record is restricted or confidential. In some cases, you may need to initiate an online search or contact a legal representative for further assistance.
It's also important to keep in mind that an offline search may take longer than an online search, as you may need to wait for the agency to locate the inmate's record and provide you with the information you need.
However, an offline search can be a useful option if you are unable to find the information you need through online sources, or if you need more detailed information about the inmate.
Hawaii Online Inmate Search
Hawaii Department of Public Safety (DPS) Inmate Locator
The Hawaii DPS provides an online inmate locator tool on its website, which allows you to search for inmates currently housed in Hawaii correctional facilities.
To use the tool, simply visit the DPS website at http://dps.hawaii.gov/, click on the "Corrections" tab, and then click on the "Inmate Locator" link. From there, you can search for inmates by their last name, first name, and/or inmate number.
County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search
In addition to the Hawaii DPS, you can also search for Hawaii inmates online through individual county sheriff's offices. Many of these offices provide online inmate search tools on their websites, allowing you to search for inmates currently housed in their county jail.
To find the website for a specific county sheriff's office, simply search for the county name followed by "sheriff's office" in your preferred search engine. Once you have located the website, look for a link or tab related to inmate search or inmate information.

Hawaii State Judiciary
eCourt Kokua: The Hawaii State Judiciary provides an online portal called eCourt Kokua, which allows you to search for criminal cases and access court records, including information on defendants and inmates.
To use the portal, simply visit the eCourt Kokua website at https://jimspss1.courts.state.hi.us:8443/eCourtKokua/, and then select "Criminal/Traffic Case Info" from the dropdown menu.
From there, you can search for cases by defendant name or case number, and access information on inmates who are currently involved in criminal cases in Hawaii. Note that you may need to create an account and pay a fee to access certain types of information.